COLLEGE is so @-) yet so \:D/ ♥

I've shared different highlights of my Summer 2010.
You've read it.
It was fun, isn't it?

And it's sad that it's over.
And that everything is now part of a memory.

But do you know the quote that says,

"Life is like a book. As a chapter ends,
another chapter needs to be opened"? 

Last June 16, 2010,
a new chapter in my life called COLLEGE opened. 

I can say that this chapter is and will be very different
from the last chapter that I just finished.

Here are some of my observations:


Those were just some of the many things I adjusted to.I know it just started but i can say that COLLEGE is fun
and that I'm really enjoying it.

Here are some "proofs" that college is fun:

Some of UST 1-FMT :) Lunch at Dapitan Square :)June 19, 2010 :> 

Campus Tour - June 21, 2010


Thomasian Freshmen Walk - June 23, 2010

FUN, isn't it?
All these events happened ONLY in JUNE.

Can't wait for more things to happen in this new chapter in my life with 1-FMT.