1. My grades
Well, I have to admit. My grades in some subjects aren't that high. So I'm getting conscious now.
I swear, just let me pass all my subjects this sem, I'm gonna study well next academic year.
PLEASE, LORD! I'm begging :"(
2. My lenten sacrifice
It's Ash Wednesday today, and I still don't know what to sacrifice for this Lenten season. I can still remember, last year, I abstain from drinking sodas for 40 days. I'm thinking of doing the same thing this year, but I wanna add something.
I thought of abstaining myself from chocolates, but I am so sure I won't be able to do that. Thinking that the first thing I did this morning was ate oreo cookies.
My friend and blockmate, Daniel told me that I should try abstaining from opening social networking sites. I realized that it was a great idea, since in that way, I can concentrate in my studies. But on second thought, knowing myself, I won't be able to do that.
My friend from AC, Juni tweeted that she'll be abstaining from rice. I actually got jealous. I also wanted to do that. But I know my parents wouldn't allow me.
3. I'm getting fatter and fatter.
So I just realized that lately, I CAN'T stop myself from eating. I don't know what's wrong with me. I should be on a diet now. :| I don't know why it's so easy for me to buy food, and eat and eat. :(
I should stop this. I mean, I haven't jog for weeks now, and if I don't stop this "habit-becoming" of mine, it's going to kill me!
How I wish it's summer break now.
I mean, I love school. I love seeing my friends and bonding with them.
But I also miss Batangas.
I miss home. :(
You know, the feeling that even you just lie the whole day on your bed, you don't have anything to worry? :(
That's exactly what I wanna feel right now.
Plus, if you're my best friend, or like, a very close friend of mine, you'll surely know why I would want summer break to get closer. Hahahaha! (y'know, aside from being with my family, and shizz.)
See the picture above?
That's home.
So colorful, right?
Just think of this: Home with my parents, without my brother and I
Whatta colorless home! HAHAHAHA!
5. I want to draw and paint again.
Obviously, college makes me busy. I had no enough time to draw and paint. I had no time to express what I really feel. This is basically another reason why I want summer break to get closer so baaaaaaad! :|I wanna get my pencils and paintbrushes. I wanna use them. I wanna stay in my room and just draw and mix colors :(
6. I miss childhood.
Kuya Donn and Kuya Ardin |
Seeing this picture makes me miss my childhood.
My childhood with my 2 awesome brothers.
If only I can turn back time, I'd love to play with them again. Hahaha!
Love you both!
And miss you, eldest brother! Hope you're happy up there!!!
Til here!
Love always, Darlene!!!