1.Do you believe in fate? Yes!! :) 2. What color do you wear most frequently? Pink, green and black. :) 3. What's your course? :) I'm currently in my third year in Medicine. Took up BS in Medical Technology as my pre-med course :) 4. Whats your favorite song of all-time? Good To You - Marianas Trench All Good Things (Come To An End) - Nelly Furtado 5. favorite fast food chain/s? Jollibee, KFC & Greenwich 6. What's your favorite color? Pink & green :) 7. What's your lippie? I'm not a fan of lipsticks! But I love using lip balms. My favorite ones are Burt's Bees Beeswax Lip Balm and Lip Ice's mentholatum . :) 8. favorite number? 17 and 26 9. what's your favorite scent? Sweet Pea by Queen's Secret, Incanto Shine, and South Beach from Paris Hilton's collection :) 10. What's your lotion? hahaha I love Marks & Spencer's China Blue lotion (Floral Collection) - this is the one I use everyday. Also, Tresor by Lancome :) 11.You have pimple-less face !! What do you use? hi.. :) OMG! Seriously? Maybe you haven't really seen me!! I always get pimples every exams (which is like, almost every week) Anyway, I use several products, and I'm happy, they're all effective! :) Morning: a. St. Ives Apricot Scrub as my facial wash b. Nivea Refreshing Toner (blue) c. Pond's Flawless White BB+ - it serves as my moisturizer, face powder and concealer all at the same time! I apply this after using the toner :) When I get home from school: a. Pond's Pure White (black; the one with activated carbon + Vitamin B3) as my facial wash Before bed: a. Nivea Extra White Repair as my facial wash b. Nivea Refreshing Toner (blue) c. Healing Cream c/o my dermatologist - this is kinda sticky, which is why I only use it at night! But this is VERY effective. Lol. These are what I use everyday, but whenever I get a pimple, I use Oilatum soap and Eskinol Pimple Fighting toner. :)